If you are reading this post, you are most likely a doctor, a mom, a wife, or all three. Or maybe you are my family member or friend trying to support me (thank you for that).
After spending so many years in school and then medical training, it was a bit of a shock to have to make real life decisions, like buying a home, purchasing life insurance, and of course raising children.
I am now at a point where I don’t automatically look around the room to look for that other adult who is “adulting” more successfully than I am.
I am proud to say that I finally feel confident in my ability to navigate my adult life and not just survive it, but crush it!
Currently, I am also working on becoming an “attendier” attending. Stay tuned for further posts on this topic.
If you are someone who wants to find solutions to their problems instead of drown in them, then this is the blog for you!