This topic may not sound very sexy (although it is to me!) but it is definitely important. People often ask me how do I have enough time to do all the things I do. The answer is pretty easy: planning! I am pretty lucky because with my job I get my full year schedule of …
As I am getting ready to celebrate 8 years with my husband, I got to thinking about how to improve communication in a relationship. I recently wrote a blog post about sharing the mental load and avoiding resentment but this is different. Good communication is important in all aspects of marriage or any relationship, Why …
As a follow-up to my last blog post on living a healthy lifestyle, I wanted to do a little research about how to get an energy boost without using too much caffeine, energy drinks, or buying expensive supplements that may not work. Since I am not getting paid by anyone to write this post and …
I find myself talking about healthy lifestyles often in my clinic. Whether we are talking about migraines or how to prevent breakthrough seizures, maintaining good habits is a key part of all of my patients’ care. We even have a catchy title for the handouts we give to our patients: “Healthy Habits.” However, I also …
I told myself that when my children were old enough to eat any food that was not a puree, they would eat what my husband and I ate. I just chuckled while I was writing that by the way. Every once in a while, all stars align and the 4 of us share a meal …
Hopefully the answer most of the time is no…but I wanted to talk about something called “the mental load.” An article in Forbes calls it “emotional labor.” Another article in Refinery29 defines it as “the state of living in the shadow of a never-ending-to-do-list.” There is a 2017 report commissioned by the non-profit care organization …
Is that what you say to yourself every night or morning while getting food ready for your kids? I sure don’t and I won’t write here what I am actually thinking… Packing lunches is yet another thing on the list of never-ending tasks of to-do’s at the end (or beginning) of a long day. I …
We all want to know how to be safe in the sun but if you are like me, you also worry about the chemicals seeping through my littles’ skin. I see the posts in the doctor groups I am in every year and I finally decided to write it down, so I can stop looking …
We are finally in full summer mode! For us, it means lots of short trips. Hopefully, it means some vacation time for you. Traveling with children (and a husband!) is no joke and packing can become quite cumbersome. Factor in needing food, toys, beach equipment, and anything else you may need for where you are …
I have to admit that after three short weekend trips in the last month, I did not get any formal exercise time. I packed my gym clothes, wore sneakers, and of course, had my trusty Peloton app. Needless to say, between long days at the beach and putting toddlers to bed, there were no work-outs …