I love summer so much because it makes me want to eat lots of fruits, vegetables, and light meals. I typically meal plan for the whole work week on Sunday nights but that leaves Sunday night open and also our weekend lunches. Friday and Saturday nights are our times to go out to eat or …
Summer time brings camp, outside time, and… prepping lunches. During the school year, my daughter got free lunch and my son was only in school from 9 to 12, so he ate lunch at home. Their diet involved a lot of soup with vegetables and pasta, so figuring out how to make healthy lunches for …
After a brief hiatus from blog-writing, I am back with many Summer/hot weather-related topics that I hope you will find useful. I know I missed my weekly writing sessions! I have a child that has a Winter birthday and one with a late Spring, it is almost Summer birthday. Stay tuned for Winter birthday ideas…Today, …
I was recently chatting with friends and it came up that cooking with fish sounded like a great idea but felt intimidating. I remember feeling this way many years ago, so I thought it would be nice to write a short guide about how to get going if you have not yet tried to cook …
It is finally Spring, although if you live in the Northeast you wouldn’t know it since it is cold, gloomy, and rainy today. I just got back from a wonderful trip from sunny Florida and this weather made me a little sad. However, it is April and Spring, so time to start thinking about Spring …
I wanted to write this blog post more for my own research purposes than anything else. I have a 4 year old and an almost 6 year old and the only way we get through a full sit down dinner is by dangling the carrot that is “last course”. It started out occasionally with my …
Call me crazy but I love a good trip to Costco. I have dabbled in Walmart and BJs over the years but I always go back to my beloved Costco. However, it can be very easy to turn a much needed trip to the store into a several hour fiasco. Have no fear! This blog …
People ask me all the time, “how do you do it all?” The truth is I don’t. Some weeks, I am the best mom and don’t focus on work. Other weeks, I barely see my children. I have talked about mom guilt in the past but this blog post is about the next step. Once …
International Women’s Day is celebrated yearly on March 8. I always congratulate all my female family and friends. As I was getting ready to write the post for this week, I realized I didn’t know much of the history behind it. Before getting into this year’s theme which is shedding the spotlight on biases that …
I didn’t want to let February go by without highlighting a Black physician but this month almost got away from me! On this last day and hour of February, I want to introduce you to Dr. Rebecca Lee Crumpler. I hope you already knew about her but I didn’t. She is recognized for being the …