People ask me all the time, “how do you do it all?” The truth is I don’t. Some weeks, I am the best mom and don’t focus on work. Other weeks, I barely see my children. I have talked about mom guilt in the past but this blog post is about the next step. Once …
I didn’t want to let February go by without highlighting a Black physician but this month almost got away from me! On this last day and hour of February, I want to introduce you to Dr. Rebecca Lee Crumpler. I hope you already knew about her but I didn’t. She is recognized for being the …
I will start right off the bat by saying that I am on the nay side of the fence. As someone who has worked out pretty frequently for most of my adult life, New Year resolutions were annoying. Every January my favorite spin class would be full unless you got there 30 minutes early. All …
People ask me all the time, how do you do it? I sometimes wonder what ‘it’ is but I am guessing they are talking about working, raising kids, being someone’s partner, maintaining good relationships with family and friends, volunteering and participating in other activities, and at some point resting, too! I will admit I just …
We all want to know how to be safe in the sun but if you are like me, you also worry about the chemicals seeping through my littles’ skin. I see the posts in the doctor groups I am in every year and I finally decided to write it down, so I can stop looking …
Since I am participating in the Onboarding Summit #Match2021 hosted by Buddies Space, I wanted to write a special blog post for our recently matched doctors! Congratulations on this great achievement! Even if you haven’t matched yet, know you eventually will if that is what you want to do, so this post is for you …
I did not want to let February end without highlighting an African-American professional. In the past year, I have bought some really great children’s books to introduce my own kids to a wide variety of characters and also real life heroes that we don’t typically talk about. We have read Baby Goes to Market, All …
I did not want to let the month of November end without a blog post about epilepsy. November is National Epilepsy Awareness Month and I wanted to share with everyone a little bit about epilepsy, which is the 4th most common neurological disorder. It also happens to be my area of specialty within Pediatric Neurology …
Although my specialty in Neurology is epilepsy, I still practice a good deal of general Neurology. This means that I have a large group of patients I follow that suffer from migraines and other headache types. June is National Migraine and Headache Awareness month and June 21 is Migraine Awareness day. In honor of this, …
It’s been a little longer between posts than usual. Since the coronavirus pandemic started (COVID-19 is the name of the disease!), it’s been a crazy world of changes, emotions, and re-adjustments. I wanted to wait a little bit before I wrote something, so I could let all my emotions settle.I don’t think anyone in the …