Cinco de Mayo is coming up this week and what better way to celebrate than by eating delicious food? I wanted to share a few recipes of easy and healthy meals that have Mexican-inspired flavors. Two of them have been featured on the blog before but I thought it would be a good idea to …
I don’t know about you, but I am still trying to get back into the swing of things after returning from Spring Break. Not to mention that one of my children had a full TWO weeks off from school, which threw me off as far as routines go even more! As I try to get …
This is the third and final blog post in my series of what originally started as winter soups to make in the Instant Pot. It was cold this weekend but this week will be ridiculously hot (at least in the Northeast US). I love to make white bean chicken chili in my Instant Pot but …
Today’s blog post is a first for Smart Mama, MD! I will be reviewing a colleague’s recently published children’s book, called Baby, MD. I read it with both my fresh 5 year old-boy and my almost 7 year-old girl and they both enjoyed it thoroughly but for different reasons. The first thing that really caught …
I couldn’t have a winter soup series without attempting to make my most favorite soup, which I eat year round and not just in the fall: butternut squash. I ended up making my own recipe and it can be made vegan if you would like. If you are able to buy the uncooked butternut squash …
Now that Winter has returned to the Northeast, I have decided to try making a bunch of new soups with the Instant Pot. I had a bag of split peas left from the last time I made soup with a Dutch Oven and this was so much easier! I will be featuring a new soup …
I can’t believe the first month of 2023 is basically over! In my last blog post, I shared my new found love – the Happy Planner. I discussed a little bit about why I switched from my bullet journal to this one but today, I want to go over the process I use to help …
I hope everyone had a chance to reflect during MLK day and/or have some opportunities for service. It’s ok if you didn’t! Plan for it for next year. As I was getting ready to write my blog for the week, I realized I didn’t have anything too profound to blog about in Dr. Martin Luther …
Summer time brings camp, outside time, and… prepping lunches. During the school year, my daughter got free lunch and my son was only in school from 9 to 12, so he ate lunch at home. Their diet involved a lot of soup with vegetables and pasta, so figuring out how to make healthy lunches for …
It is finally Spring, although if you live in the Northeast you wouldn’t know it since it is cold, gloomy, and rainy today. I just got back from a wonderful trip from sunny Florida and this weather made me a little sad. However, it is April and Spring, so time to start thinking about Spring …