5 tips for staying healthy this holiday season

Blog post is coming in a little bit late this week due to some very exciting work-related travel but here I am!

I didn’t want to skip this week’s topic since I feel like I have not been following all of my own advice. I am writing this post mainly as a reminder to myself but I hope it also helps everyone strike a balance this holiday season.

It always feels like once we are close to Thanksgiving, there are lots of unhealthy food opportunities, parties, and events that have to be attended. The last holiday season felt different due to the pandemic, but this year has had no shortage of gatherings.

Instead of giving up completely through the end of November until January of the New Year, I propose the following tips and tricks to help balance out all the delicious food, drinks, and lack of time to work-out.

My downfall during the holidays and any other time!

  1. Keep your usual routine any time you can. I have found that between Thanksgiving and New Year, there is a lot of travel, parties, and changed schedules. I typically take time off from work and travel for conferences. I often feel inclined to say forget my usual meal prepping, calorie-counting, and work-out schedules. There is no reason to do that! This year, I keep reminding myself that it is ok to stray from my usual routines while I am enjoying family, friend, and even work events but still continue doing what I usually do all the other times. This means that I am still sticking to my healthy meal planning and prepping any time I am not traveling and still shooting for 4-5 workouts per week.
  2. Portion control. I love Thanksgiving food and can’t say no to a cheese and charcuterie board to save my life. I have also been know to enjoy a glass of wine or two. Even though dessert is not my thing, the holiday season brings a lot of treats. The key is not to try and deprive yourself of anything delicious when you go to a party or gathering but definitely keep in mind how much of each thing you are eating.
  3. Drink water. Don’t forget the water! It is so easy to stick with coffee, tea, other hot holiday drinks, or even alcoholic beverages, which may have a lot of calories or are not good for hydration. When I am at a party or restaurant for dinner, I try (but not always succeed) to alternate a glass of water between glasses of wine.
  4. Stay mindful. The holiday season can be very stressful for people. Eating and/or drinking are common coping mechanisms and most of us are not grabbing the baby carrots when feeling down. Practicing meditation techniques, yoga, journaling, or even simple breathing exercises during stressful times can be very helpful. There are lots of free content on the Internet, or you can try apps like Peloton or Headspace, which have some free content or at least free trials.
  5. Be kind to yourself. This is a big one for me, since I don’t always speak to myself in the way I would like. The holiday season should be a time of love, kindness, and being thankful. It is also a time to reflect on our past year, learn from our mistakes, and keep trying to get better. I tend to get very upset with myself if I feel like I am not doing all the things I am supposed to be doing, gain a few extra pounds, or not feel as joyful as I’d like. I am working hard on avoiding this type of thinking and reminding myself that I am human. Some days will be good and some days will be bad. I will make mistakes and I will do awesome things. As long as I am doing my best, I know I am doing what is right for me. I hope you all do the same!

Don’t take anything for granted. It is a lesson that I am constantly learning and it is always important to review. I wish everyone a happy and healthy holiday season. I am also here for anyone who is not having such a good time. Please reach out privately via any way you would like (Fb, IG, email, phone, comments) if you need help.

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