How to stay on track when things get crazy – end of school year edition

Am I the only one who spent the entire Winter figuring out who would stay home with one or both sick children while trying to go to work, participate in kids’ activities, attend birthday parties, and still try to work out and sleep sometimes?

If you felt like the Winter months were more about survival than thriving and now realize that Spring is half way done and there is only 6 weeks of school left and are freaking out a little, this blog post is for you!

I am here to remind you to be kind to yourself and to start enjoying the warm weather! But even better, I have some tips on how to stay on track with your goals, even when it feels like the whole world (ahem sick children) is conspiring against you…

1. Keep making your schedule and stick to it. Very simple. I still plan my week every Sunday night and follow my calendar. Whenever there is a situation that is beyond my control and interferes with my plan, I adjust but then continue to follow the plan. The key here is that the schedule only gets altered when absolutely needed and not because I don’t feel like doing something.

2. Be kind to yourself. Always! I said it earlier but it’s so important. I definitely fail at this frequently and need to remind myself that I should not use my calendar/goals/plans as weapons against myself. It always helps me to pretend I’m talking to a dear friend or family member and then I can find the words.

3. Don’t throw the baby with the bath water. I don’t let one thing throwing my schedule off dictate what happens after. It is easy to feel defeated, especially if a whole day is changed due to urgent issues but I just keep going back to my plan as much as I can.

4. Remember, it’s not that serious. This one is also hard for me. I realize most of the things I have on my schedule are made up goals by me and if ‘I get behind’, I can always catch up. As long as I am getting my kids to school and showing up for my patients the way at I’m supposed to, it’s ok if other things get postponed for a day or two (or until next week!).

5. Stay in gratitude. I used to name ten things I was thankful for every night while going to bed but a year or two ago, I purchased a gratitude journal. I do this instead and it’s been such a wonderful experience. If I skip a day, then I go back to my old practice of my bedtime routine. Spending time thinking about what I’m thankful for and other prompts in the journal helps me re-set before going to bed and let go of the feeling of overwhelm.

Hoping these tips can help you feel a little more confident going into the summer. I’d love to hear what tips y’all have for keeping it cool! Comment on the blog post or on any of the social media posts!!

Calm as a butterfly…

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