The seasons of life

This week’s blog post is scheduled for Wednesday instead of Tuesday since it is Valentine’s Day. I didn’t grow up with this ‘holiday’ but as an adult, I like to use it to reflect on my relationships.

It sounds cliche to say but times goes by both so slowly and too fast at the same time. Every stage of marriage and parenthood has good things and things we would prefer not to have to deal with (I love potty training said no one ever…).

It is easy to get caught up in the moment and wish for things to be easier or different. I noticed I was telling someone with infants and a toddler that things were easier with early elementary school children and immediately wanted to take it back. We give lots of well meaning advice but the truth is that no matter what stage of life you are in, there will be some hard things and some nice things. Living life means we get to experience all of it.

Whenever I notice my brain starting its very own pity party for any reason, I started using the mantra of ‘remember this is the season you are in’ to get me out of it. For those that know me, you probably are aware I love to throw parties and the pity ones in my brain are frequent! However, I don’t think they serve me very well. This is why I started working on being present and focusing on what I enjoy of every season.

If you find yourself going through a particularly rough stage, remember the following:

1. You have already gotten through 100% of your hardest days.

2. Every season in life has its challenges and rewards. Remember to give equal air time to the good things too!

3. Every season ends and leads to a new one – no matter how hard things are.

Wishing everyone a happy Valentine’s Day – whether you celebrate or not. As I always say, it is a made up holiday and you can do whatever you want with it.

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