Why Do you Need A Bullet Journal?

You may be asking yourself… what is a bullet journal? Glad you asked! If you love paper calendars, it is one of the best ways to stay organized!

I have always had a physical calendar. As the Internet, Google, Apple, and iPhones became a bigger part of everyone’s lives, I also added digital calendars but always kept a paper one. There will be a separate post on these but for now I want to focus on why creating a bullet journal may be the right choice for you.

A bullet journal involves making your own template on a blank journal of your choice. There are lots of posts and videos by the person that created the method to help you develop it. This post is not about how to create one but why you should and some tips on how to get started. If you are interested in direct links, please comment on this post and I can add those.

We are all busy people and once you start adding spouses and children into the mix, it can be hard to keep track of our time. I could never find a calendar that had enough space for me to write down everything I wanted to and fit it in my purse.

A bullet journal has sections where you can write future goals, monthly goals, as well as daily sections. The best part for me is that you not only can write your to do’s and all your events but there is an index to keep track of where everything is in the journal and also the opportunity to create “collections” where you can basically jot down any notes.

I did some research on how to get started and found it overwhelming. People go really crazy with the journal and you can do anything with them: track how much water you drink, count calories, fitness, and anything you can imagine.

I am now getting ready to prepare my third bullet journal and realized that you don’t need to make every page pretty or use stencils and stickers to get the job done.

My advice is to get a nice journal in the size you like and a good set of pens.

I love the journal below. If you would like to try it and click on the link below, you would be helping me out as well!

The pens are important since you don’t want it to bleed. I did not pay attention to this when I created my first journal and absolutely regretted it! I recommend the pens below since they are reasonably priced and work well.

Once you have the right materials you are ready to go! It is absolutely imperative if you are going to be a well organized person that you have a method to your madness. Focus on what you need to stay organized and not worry about making things pretty or tracking every single thing.

I set mine up to look like a regular calendar with the added bonus of having lots of space to write everything that needs to get done. I also add a monthly budget, collections where I take notes for every meeting or project I have, and keep track of my monthly goals and things that need to get done but don’t have a specific timeline.

I will be making my third bullet journal soon, so will post a blog with pictures soon!

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