Abundance Mindset – what is it and how to achieve it!

As 2021 gets to a close, I wanted to end on a positive note. Another year went by where life did not go back to normal and every time we think things are looking up, they take a turn for the worse.

I have tried to keep my mind focused on the good things that happened over the last year and working on an abundance mindset has been very helpful.

What’s an abundance mindset you ask? This term was coined by Stephen Covey a long time ago (1989) in his book “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.” I haven’t read the book myself yet but find his concept to be incredibly helpful, particularly as I advance in my career.

He defined the term as “a concept in which a person believes there are enough resources and successes to share with others.” He contrasts it with the scarcity mindset, which is founded on the idea that if someone else wins or gets something you want, that means you lose.

Mindset is very important in nearly all aspects of our lives. It can help cope with difficult situations, achieve our goals, improve our happiness, and help handle stress, among other things.

The good news is that each one of us is in charge of our own mindset and can change it as we need in order to improve our lives.

An abundance mindset is now widely recognized as a very beneficial way to live your life. Think of it as looking at your glass as half-full instead of half-empty.

So how de start working towards changing or maintaining this mindset if you already there? Here are 5 tips!

1.Think of what you already have. It is easy to focus on what we don’t have and worry if someone else gets what we want. An abundance mindset allows you to be present with what you have an focus on opportunities, instead of limitations. It is also a reminder that just because someone else got something, it doesn’t mean you can’t have it as well.

2. Practice gratitude. I have talked about this in previous blog posts but I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to practice being grateful. I try to name 10 things every day that I am grateful for before going to bed. I don’t always remember to do it but it is a great way to clear my brain from any negative thoughts as I try to go to sleep.

3. Be aware of your thoughts. It is hard to change your mindset if you don’t know what you are thinking. I find journaling to be a great way to get the thoughts out of my head in order to really dissect what is going on. Once you know what liming or “scarcity mindset” beliefs you have, you can start changing them by practicing new, better thoughts!

4. Try to create win-win situations. We often think that if one person wins, the other must lose. This is not the case, unless you are playing sports (and sometimes those games end in ties…). Whether you are handling a difficult situation with your partner or asking for a promotion at work, think of outcomes where both parties benefit or “win.”

5. Practice abundance thoughts. Think about your goals and what obstacles you may encounter in order to achieve them. Then, think about how you can overcome them and achieve your goals. Think big and don’t forget daily affirmations. I like to write those down at the end of my journaling, which I try to do every day. I might write things like “you got this” or “you are doing a great job” but you can really write or say anything to yourself. The key is repetition!

Wishing everyone a peaceful and healthy holidays season. This is a great time to reflect on what went right and what went wrong and make changes for the next year. Remember, progress, not perfection!

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