Smart Mama MD’s back to school hacks

I can’t believe we are already getting close to mid-August and thinking about school. I know some states have already started classes – hello Georgia… and some start next week. Here in the greater Philadelphia we have just under a month.

This is the perfect time to start thinking about how to make the frenzy of back to school time into a smoother, more organized experience.

Below are my top ten back to school hacks! Let me know if you have any others.

  1. Shared calendars. Many families use online versions but I find that a simple physical calendar hanging in the kitchen works best for us. Our kids’ school sends a calendar with all the important school dates already on there and it’s free. Everyone can easily write in it and see it any time of the day.
  2. Get the kids involved. We are very excited because both kids will be in the same school and take the bus together this year. This also means packing two lunches and rushing in the morning, so no one misses the bus. My 7 year old loves making her lunch and I am hoping this will inspire the little one to do the same. Another thing we like to do is pick their school outfits the night before and lay them out. Any little bit counts when leaving things ready for the next morning!
  3. Labels. Check Groupon or other discount sites for easy, cute labels and order them now! I forget every year but this year I got a discount on CertifiKID for personalized laminated labels and the kids love them. They are helping label their own things.
  4. Store passwords. I don’t know about your school but ours has a thousand passwords for everything. I am nervous that this year with two kids, things will get even more complicated. It helps to log in on my phone, which saves them but I also recommend creating a spreadsheet or using a password app to save everything. If you can, make sure your partner has access to all the logins as well! Start early, so it is easy to add on as you go!
  5. Bundled supplies. I mentioned this in my blog from last summer but it is worth repeating. Check to see if your school has a local vendor where you can go pick up this year’s supplies. Our school does this at Staples and we get a discount and teachers get stuff to. Super easy! Pro-tip: bring the kids, so they can pick the color of their headphones, etc.
  6. Plan for the days off. This will be our first year without a full time nanny, so I am already thinking about the scheduled half-days, teacher planning days, and random holidays that neither me or my husband have off. The calendar the school sends has them all and also there should be an online calendar you can easily access. If you have family that can help, get those dates penciled in. If not, plan on whether you will ask for the day off, work from home, or get a sitter. I find that having a plan makes it easier to handle when those days come up.
  7. Routines. This one is so obvious for kids but also the one we forget the most. My daughter, who clearly takes after me, loves making lists with checkboxes for her night time routine and I am hoping to make one for the morning as well. We also have a Melissa and Doug magnet board with chores, which include brushing teeth and even blank slates that we have never used but will give a try. Check in with me in a few months to see whether the latter worked!
  8. Clothes. I am notoriously bad at noticing when the children need new clothes, including jackets. Plan on a Target/Old Navy/Gap run or whatever your favorite kid clothing store is after taking some inventory. You can make it a fun activity with the kids and take all the clothes that don’t fit to donate. I like to bring the kids shopping now since they have very strong opinions about what they want to wear and I like them to try their shoes on.
  9. Meal plan. Nobody likes deciding what to make for lunch every day. I add meal planning for the kids’ lunches to my weekly meal planning. This makes it easy to get everything we need during my Sunday food shopping.
  10. Be flexible. I love to be prepared but I also know things change. I like to have a few back up plans and also think about “worst case” scenarios – who can call out of work, can someone drive the kids to school if they miss the bus, etc. At the end of the day, we are all doing our best but random stuff happens and as parents, we have to roll with the punches!

Enjoying every last bit of summer! Good luck everybody!

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