Get the Mother’s Day You Really Want

As promised earlier in the week, here is a bonus blog post on getting the best day ever!

The good news is that there is only one step in this guide. The bad news is that for some of us it may be hard to do. What is the secret you may ask? Tell your husband, partner, family member, friend, children, or whoever is supposed to be planning this day for you EXACTLY what you want.

That’s right! The secret to the best Mother’s Day ever is to tell people what you want, so you are not disappointed. In fact, this concept applies to pretty much any special occasion or event in your life where you expect someone else to read your mind and give you what you want.

Some of you may be thinking, “I already plan things all the time and this is the one day that I don’t feel like it” or maybe you are saying, “Isn’t this the day where I do nothing and I get to be showered in all things nice?” This is likely true and there is no reason it can’t continue to be that way. But remember that no one knows exactly what you want, except you. If you are not someone who cares much about what actually happens but prefers to do nothing, then you can even say that!

I started doing this after my first Mother’s Day was extremely disappointing. I had already been telling my husband exactly what I wanted for birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions, so I am not sure why I thought Mother’s Day would be different. Turns out it wasn’t! Things have worked out much better since I started giving instructions and I am now coming up on my 5th Mother’s Day.

Here are some ideas of things you can say:

  1. I would like a nice breakfast in bed (substitute any location).
  2. I expect flowers and a card (or anything else you want!).
  3. If I see a gift I want, I send it to my husband. If I don’t feel like getting a gift, I say nothing.
  4. I don’t want to plan any meals/go food shopping/change diapers today (substitute any activities).
  5. I want to be alone for this amount of time.
  6. I want brunch with girlfriends.
  7. I want date night with my partner.
  8. I want to go to a hotel alone or with family, beach trip, park, or any activity you want to do.

I hope this inspires some of you to really take charge of your day. I can tell you it has been an amazing experience for me to always get the special days I want because I told my partner what I expected. Every once in a while we hit some hiccups but they tend to be related to unexpected life circumstances (like when an anniversary murder mystery dinner falls on the same day as an unexpected memorial service for a loved one).

Make this your own. You can give as much or little detail as you want, always keeping in my mind what you think will take to give you a great day. I tend to give some direction but no specifics (I want to do to dinner in the city, you pick a place). If for some reason, there is something specific I want (a few years ago I wanted to go to a place called Longwood Gardens), I mention it.

I would love to hear how this goes for you if you try it. Leave me a comment or message me here, on Facebook, or Instagram. Happy Mother’s Day!

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